Ludwik Lewin’s memorial service

Ludwik Lewin’s memorial service

Ludwik Lewin’s funeral will take place on Friday, May 13th, at the Pantin cemetery (Paris), at 2.30 pm.

Those who had closer contact with Ludwik realized for a long time that the chance of recovery was decreasing from week to week, and in April and early May 2022 – it was hard not to notice that his condition was deteriorating day by day and you had to think about the worst. He himself was not one of those who like to deceive themselves.
It is not easy to talk about Ludwik not so much in the past tense, because it is impossible to erase from the memory dozens if not hundreds of conversations, meetings, adventures, but with the awareness that it will be no longer possible to benefit from his knowledge and kindness. As well as from his insight. His intellectual honesty. By talking to him, reading his texts, listening to him on the radio and watching him on a TV or computer screen, one could quickly find out that he went beyond clichés and banalities. And that he does not accept any shortcuts, and at the same time that he can explain the most complicated matters in a clear and simple way. He was able to look at almost everything he did from behind the scenes without bothering his listeners or viewers. And no one could rival his knowledge about world cuisines and drinks, but also about the history and topography of Paris, London and Warsaw.

Fr. Marek Wittbrot, May 13th, 2022, somewhere near Bremen.

Photo: Ludwik Lewin in Artur Majka’s apartment (Paris, 2015) © Zbigniew Jankowski. Source: Ludwik Lewin’s Facebook page.

Ludwik Lewin passed away on May 8th

Ludwik Lewin passed away on May 8th

It is with great sadness that we share with you the information that has just reached us: after a long illness, Ludwik Lewin passed away today (on May 8th) in Paris. He was a journalist, essayist, poet, and art critic, for many years associated with the Polish artistic community in Paris. As a friend of many artists, he was a privileged witness to the evolution of this community, as well as to the life and work of many of his artist friends. Rest in peace.

Photo: Ludwik Lewin’s Facebook page