
9th International Salon of Contemporary Art in Paris


The Gallery Roi Doré is proud to invite you to the art3f, 9th International Salon of Contemporary Art in Paris. A this prestigious, international art fair, the Galerie Roi Doré will present you artworks of three artists: Adam Kozik, Artur Majka and Michal Szumlas. The event will take place from September 23rd to 25th in Paris Expo conference & exhibition center.


emartgallery & Galerie Roi Doré
Pennsylvania, USA

This intimate, private exhibition presents Artur Majka’s artworks from the Homoanonymus series. Paintings and drawings from this series represent human silhouettes, more or less recognizable because human being always remains at the heart of the artist’s interests. At the same time, the line – energetic, more or less regular, “cardiographic”-like – invariably remains the key element of his work, being both the basis of his compositions, its starting point, and an inseparable part of the whole.


Kurier Plus Gallery & Galerie Roi Doré


This exhibition, organized in an emblematic place for Polish culture in America, presents Artur Majka’s artworks from the Homoanonymus series. Paintings and drawings from this series represent human silhouettes, more or less recognizable because human being always remains at the heart of the artist’s interests. At the same time, the line – energetic, more or less regular, “cardiographic”-like – invariably remains the key element of his work, being both the basis of his compositions, its starting point, and an inseparable part of the whole.

Chased from Paradise. Majka / Strelnik

The exhibition “Chased from Paradise. Majka / Strelnik” was organized thanks to the cooperation between the Galerie Roi Doré in Paris and the Miejska Galeria Sztuki w Częstochowie. It presents the artworks of two contemporary Polish artists who have been working abroad for many years. At the same time, the exhibition completes and is a contemporary answer to the Jan Lebenstein. In memoriam exhibition – together they show three generations of excellent Polish artists working in Paris after the Second World War.

Apocalypse. Dürer – Lebenstein – Majka

Warsaw Archdiocese Museum

The exhibition presents three cycles of illustrations for the Apocalypse of John, created by Albrecht Dürer (1496-1498), Jan Lebenstein (1985) and Artur Majka (2018-2019). Although the artists worked in different times and circumstances, they illustrate the same text – The Apocalypse of John, one of the most mysterious, fascinating and important writings of biblical culture.

Artur Majka “Existences…”

The exhibition “Existences…” presents Artur Majka’s latest works, which include both monumental canvases and intimate compositions; paintings and wooden or metal spatial structures. Regardless of size and technique, the human being always remains at the heart of the artist’s interests, both in the works where strong lines and color contrasts create the outline of human figures and in those where the human form is not present.

Artur Majka & Ahmad Kaddour

The Gallery Roi Doré presents the exhibition of artworks by Artur Majka and Ahmad Kaddour.

Artur Majka and Ahmad Kaddour are two artists coming from very different backgrounds. However, they are both emigrants, who have met during their studies at the ENSBA in Paris.

Artur Majka “Homo anonymus”


The exhibition presents drawings, paintings and digital compositions of Artur Majka, inspired by his observations of anonymous people on the streets or traveling on the Paris underground.

Artur Majka. Photography


The exhibition presents the photographic works of Artur Majka, Polish painter, graphist and photographer. The exhibition is a part of the series of events entitled “Polish photography in Paris and in the world” and prepared by the Gallery Roi Doré for the Mois the la Photo 2012.  

Artur Majka “The city around, the city in me, the city nowhere”


The Gallery Roi Doré is proud to present its first exhibition: “The city around, the city in me, the city nowhere” by Artur Majka, painter, designer and Parisian architect of Polish origin. Artur Majka’s strong compositions of expressive lines and colors create a narrative that allows the artist to reflect on the different facets of the modern city.